Hmmm...I suppose it's been a while since I've typed anything here. I'm still running like a fool. I did the Rock 'N Roll marathon down in Arizona and PR'ed by a few minutes, which surprised me because I hadn't really put in any serious training for this race. I learned a lot though. I'm gearing up again for RNR SD, where I will own that sucker. I'm going to beat that race into submission and qualify for Boston in the process.
I officially became a Senior R&D Engineer at work last week. This doesn't really mean anything in terms of changing responsibilities in my job, but I do get a little bit more change to play around with.
I must say that HDTV is a marvel to watch. I love watching Heroes, Supernatural, and well, that's about it since I don't watch much TV with which to begin. DVDs are awesome though.
Eggplants are awesome vegetables.
Posted at 08:46
I officially became a Senior R&D Engineer at work last week. This doesn't really mean anything in terms of changing responsibilities in my job, but I do get a little bit more change to play around with.
I must say that HDTV is a marvel to watch. I love watching Heroes, Supernatural, and well, that's about it since I don't watch much TV with which to begin. DVDs are awesome though.
Eggplants are awesome vegetables.