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Odds & Ends

Moved in this weekend. Much easier than previous times I've moved because I had a lot more people helping this time. Hopefully I can stay at this place for longer than 15 months, which is a record for me!

I was wearing a red shirt I got from honolulu the yesterday along with a black zippered running vest. I got asked twice yesterday at two seperate stores if I could help a "customer." I was asked first in Bed, Bath & Beyond, which sort of confused me. I think it was the black vest, but when I walked into Target with a blazingly red shirt and that vest I knew I was in for something. Oh well. It made me laugh.

I went for a 10 mile run yesterday. I felt amazingly good and was able to finish with some fuel left in the tank. I was worried that I had lost some of my endurance, but I was back out there, albeit a bit slower than normal, running like I had always been. I officially start training today. I'm doing some strength training, running 3 miles, then some stretching. Tonight I'll probably head to my boxing class for some core and upper body. I'm hoping to lose at least 4 pounds by the end of this month.

I'm almost done unpacking. I've become an expert at packing and unpacking quickly. I'm not sure if that's good or not.
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posted by Blogger Spikey1 @ 6:14 AM

Can you tell me what aisle I can find the pillows please??    

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